- Bogdański M., Kosiedowski M., Mazurek C., Wolniewicz M: GRID SERVICE
PROVIDER: How to improve flexibility of grid user interfaces?
Presented at The 3rd International Conference on Computational
Science, June 2nd-4th 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia [PDF], [MS PowerPoint]
- Grzybowski P., Kosiedowski M., Mazurek C.: Web Services Communication
within the PROGRESS Grid-Portal Environment
Presented at The First International Conference
on Web Services ICWS'03, June 23rd-26th 2003, Las Vegas, USA [PDF], [MS PowerPoint]
- Bogdański M., Kosiedowski M., Mazurek C., Stroiński M.: Facilitating the process of enabling
applications within grid portals
Presented at The Third International Conference on
Grid and Cooperative Computing GCC 2004, October 21st-24th 2004, Wuhan, China [PDF], [MS PowerPoint]
- Kosiedowski M., Słowikowski P.: Authentication and access control in portals: the
PROGRESS grid access environment
Presented at the Polski Internet Optyczny: Technologie, Uslugi i Aplikacje - PIONIER 2003
conference, April 9th-11th 2003, Poznan, Poland [PDF], [MS PowerPoint (in Polish)]
- Bogdański M., Kosiedowski M., Mazurek C., Wolniewicz M: Facilitating
access to grid resources with the use of the HPC Window
Submitted for presentation at The 9th International Conference on
Parallel and Distributed Computing Euro-Par 2003, August 26th-29th 2003, Klagenfurt,
Austria [MS Word], [PDF]
- Kosiedowski M., Mazurek C., Stroiński M.: PROGRESS - Access Environment
to Computational Services Performed by Cluster of Sun Systems.
Presented at the 2nd Cracow Grid Workshop, December 2002, Krakow,
Poland [PDF], [MS PowerPoint]
- Grzybowski P., Mazurek C., Spychała P., Wolski M.: Data Management
System for grid and portal services.
Submitted to Grid Computing: Infrastructure and Applications special issue
of The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA),
Cardiff University, UK. [MS Word], [PDF]
- Bogdański M., Kosiedowski M., Mazurek C., Wolniewicz M: PROGRESS
USE Framework: GRID Service and Access Management within User Service Environment.
Presented to the Global Grid Forum, Grid Computing Environments Research Group,
September 2002 [MS Word], [PDF]
- Błażewicz J., Kasprzak M., Jackowiak P., Janny D., Jarczyński D., Nalewaj M.,
Nowierski B., Styszyński R., Szajkowski Ł., Widera P.:
ASM: DNA Assembly Application
Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center internal report, no. RA-001/2004
- Mazurek C.: Facilitating access to the scientific data service with the use of the Data
Management System
Presented at Sun HPC Consortium 2004 and Supercomputing 2004 Exibition,November 6th-12th 2004,
Pittsburgh, USA [MS Power Point]
- Kosiedowski M.: Application portlets within the PROGRESS HPC Portal
Presented at Sun HPC Consortium 2004, June 20th-22nd 2004, Heidelberg, Germany [MS Power Point]
- Kosiedowski M.: Portalowy dostęp do usług obliczeniowych i wizualizacyjnych
Presented at Polski Internet Optyczny: Technologie, Uslugi i Aplikacje - PIONIER 2004
conference, May 19th-20th 2004, Poznan, Poland [MS Power Point (in Polish)]
- Mazurek C.: Global Grid Access
Presented at Supercomputing 2003 Exhibition, November 17th-20th 2003, Phoenix, USA [MS
Power Point]
- Wolski M.: System zarządzania danymi
Presented at the PROGRESS internal meeting, October 13th 2003, Poznań, Poland [MS
Power Point (in Polish)]
- Pukacki J.: Resource Brokering in the PROGRESS Project
Presented at Grid Resource Management Workshop, New Network Technologies, Grids and Portals
Multiconference, October 20th-22nd 2003, Poznań, Poland [MS
Power Point]
- Piwowarek P.: Access to Shared Grid Resources in Heterogeneous Queuing Systems
Presented at Second Grid Engine Workshop, September 22nd-24th 2003, Regensburg, Germany [MS
Power Point]
- Kosiedowski M.: Using Resources of Multiple Grids with the Grid Service Provider
Presented at Second Grid Engine Workshop, September 22nd-24th 2003, Regensburg, Germany [MS
Power Point]
- Bogdański M.: The PROGRESS Grid Service Provider
Presented at Portals & Portlets 2003, July 14th-17th 2003, Edinburgh, UK [MS
Power Point]
- Bogdański M.: PROGRESS experience with Sun ONE Portal Server
Presented at Portals & Portlets 2003, July 14th-17th 2003, Edinburgh, UK [MS
Power Point]
- Kosiedowski M.: PROGRESS - Computing Portal and Data Management in the Cluster of SUNs
Presented at Sun HPC Consortium 2003, June 21st-24th 2003, Heidelberg, Germany [MS
Power Point]
- Kupczyk M., Lichwała R., Meyer N., Palak B., Płóciennik M., Wolniewicz
P.: Migrating Desktop
Presented at internal Progress meeting, May 29th 2003, Warsaw, Poland
[MS Power Point (in Polish)]
- Mazurek C.: PROGRESS Computing Portal
Presented at the Pan European Portal Conference 2003, April 24th-25th 2003,
Geneva, Switzerland [MS PowerPoint]
- PROGRESS Grid Service Provider leaflet [PDF]
- PROGRESS Data Management System leaflet [PDF]
- PROGRESS Portlet Framework leaflet [PDF]
- PROGRESS HPC Portal leaflet [PDF]
- Pukacki J., Wolniewicz M.: XRSL Language [HTML]