PROGRESS HPC Portal Tutorials
To facilitate the use of the PROGRESS HPC Portal we prepared some tutorials for the portlets installed
within the Portal. Please, use
them to learn more about the Portal and to learn how to use specific functions of each of the available
portlets. Some parts of these tutorials can be also viewed while working with the portlets by clicking the 'Help' icon.
'My computing jobs' Portlet
Creating a new grid job
Creating a new task of a grid job
Configuring a task - single type tasks
Configuring a task - sequence and parallel type tasks
Editing task data
Editing application arguments
Editing application environment variables
Working with standard input/output and other files
Configuring resource requirements
Monitoring the job execution
Copying the job
'Gaussian' Portlet
Creating a new Gaussian job
Providing the input data file for the job
Creating the checkpoint file
Creating a directory to store the files for the job
Submitting the job for execution in the grid
Changing the job settings
Changing the task description
Changing task resource requirements
Monitoring the job execution
Viewing the job results
Copying the job
'DNA Assembly' Portlet
Creating a new DNA Assembly job
Providing the input data file for the job
Creating a directory to store the files for the job
Changing algorithm parameters
Submitting the job for execution in the grid
Changing the job configuration
Changing the DNA Assembly application configuration
Changing the data format converter configuration
Changing the data format used by converters
Changing the task description
Changing task resource requirements
Monitoring the job execution
Viewing the job results
Copying the job